Undergraduate Study Abroad

Types of Programs

Brown undergraduates may choose from a variety of study abroad program options to earn academic credit for a semester or academic year abroad. From directly enrolling in a university overseas to participating in a language immersion program to studying at a field station; there is a program to fit your interests!

Distinctively Brown

Brown offers a number of study abroad programs, exclusively or in collaboration with other highly selective U.S. universities.


  • Programs are focused on direct integration into the country and the host institution's academic setting.
  • Academic standards and curricula are consistent with Brown's.
  • Administrative and academic support is provided on site, and often includes a study center, a Brown resident director, and an on-site Brown faculty director.
The Brown in France Paris program offers direct enrollment at the University of Paris for upper-level students of French in a broad range of disciplines.
Our program is based at the Brown in Bologna office in Bologna, near our primary partner institution, the University of Bologna (UniBo), the oldest in Europe, with a proud history of dynamic, well-respected scholars like Dante, Petrarch, Erasmus, and Copernicus.

Consortium Programs

The Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad (CASA)

CASA is a non-profit academic consortium of eleven leading comprehensive research universities formed for the purpose of organizing and delivering rigorous education abroad programs in collaboration with leading world universities. CASA member institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Melbourne, the University of Pennsylvania, and Vanderbilt University. From its inception, the intention of CASA is to go beyond traditional study abroad, harnessing the combined resources of its member institutions — world-renowned faculty and some of the world's brightest students — to deliver full immersion opportunities that engage students with leading academics and thought-leaders around the world.

Program offerings include Australia, Chile, Cuba, Ireland, and Spain (Barcelona and Granada). The CASA programs in Cuba, Ireland, Australia, Barcelona, and Granada are administered by Brown University; applications from students outside the consortium are considered on a space-available basis.

Each Divisional Center has a fully operative physical presence in the host country, led by a permanent on-site administrative director and support staff. The centers provide a rich academic environment for CASA students and faculty from across disciplines to engage with select international partner universities. CASA's focus is to provide profound learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom, engaging students locally through carefully programmed curricular and co-curricular activities that are delivered, wherever possible, in the target language.

Learn More About CASA

Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS)

Established in September 1989, the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS) is a consortium of 13 American universities that sponsors a rigorous, two-semester academic program for undergraduates who wish to do advanced work in Japanese language and cultural studies. Participating institutions are: Boston University, Brown University, University of Chicago, Columbia University/Barnard College, Cornell University, Emory University, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, Yale University, and University of Virginia.

Learn More About KCJS

Non-Brown Programs

Approved Programs

Brown students may transfer academic credit from approved programs run by overseas  institutions and partner providers. These programs have been reviewed by Brown faculty and study abroad staff for academic rigor and program quality and have been pre-approved for credit transfer. Study abroad advising staff monitor these programs through site visits, advisory boards, and engagement with colleagues at other institutions to ensure that high standards are maintained.

Students apply directly to these programs, adhering to the sponsoring institution's deadlines. They also must complete a Brown study abroad electronic application.


Students may present an individual case for study at a location that is neither a Brown-sponsored program nor an approved program. The petition process allows students to attend programs that offer specialized curricula, such as uncommon languages or independently-designed coursework. Petitions must present a strong academic rationale for the proposed course of study. Non-academic program rationales will not be considered. All students are required to meet with a study abroad advisor prior to submitting a petition.

Learn About the Petition Process

We encourage students to consider international opportunities during their time at Brown. Here you can view options and learn more about studying abroad over the summer.
Discover which study abroad program best aligns with your goals and interests.