Undergraduate Study Abroad

Returning Home

Information on housing and meal plans, credit transfer and cultural adjustment. Please stop by the study abroad advising main office to share your stories with us. 

You’ve just wrapped up an exciting few months of making new connections, learning new things, trying new food, and exploring. After a period of time filled with adventure, adjusting to “normal” life back home or on campus can be tough. We’re here to help you adjust both socio-emotionally and practically. 

Reflecting on Your Experience Abroad & Sharing it with Others 

As you may recall from your time applying to your study abroad program, hearing from past study abroad students was invaluable as you considered programs and prepared for your experience abroad. Many students find that sharing their experience with prospective study abroad students is quite helpful as they continue to process their experience abroad. If you’d be interested in sharing about your experience abroad we invite you to stop by the study abroad advising office to chat with us. 

If you’d prefer to share your experience in written form, we invite you to submit reflections to our Student Voices profiles, which will be a resource available for prospective study abroad students to learn about the day in the life of a Brown study abroad student. 

Practical Matters to Consider

In addition to the personal adjustment, there are also practical matters that will be important for you to think about as you return to campus. Below you’ll find information regarding housing and meal plans, credit transfer, and ways for you to continue the moment of global learning locally in the Providence area. 

Opportunities for Returning Students

Now that you are back, it is likely that you will want to participate in internationally-focused activities. Below you’ll find some suggestions of how to maintain your global engagement through opportunities at Brown, in the local community, and beyond.
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It’s never too early to start exploring professional development opportunities, especially now that you have returned from your study abroad experience with honed skills and new perspectives.
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